In basketball, the first step defines everything.

Two-Day Back To School Basketball Clinic

Back to school, back to basketball. Join Coach Hasson and Coach Carlos Villalobos in the Trinity Catholic High School GYM for two days of skill building, confidence boosting, and personal coaching. We are excited to extend this invitation to our youngest ballers in Kindergarten, all the way up to big, bad 8th graders. Each age group has their own time slot for plenty of personal coaching.

Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd Grade Beginners at 8:30am-10am. Total 3 clinic hours.

3rd, 4th, 5th Grade Beginners/Intermediate at 10:30am-12:30pm. Total 4 clinic hours.

6th, 7th, 8th Grade Beginners/Intermediate/Advanced at 1pm-3:30pm. Total 5 clinic hours.

When: Two days. Friday, August 4th and Saturday, August 5th 2023

Where: Trinity Catholic High School, 2600 SW 42nd St Ocala, FL 34471

from $75.00